Solekia is an ICT service integrator which creates high added value with customers.

Corporate Information

(As of March 31, 2024)

Corporate Name
Solekia Limited
President and CEO
Yoshikazu Kobayashi
September 19, 1958
Capital Stock
JPY ¥2,293 million
Stock Exchange
Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market (Code : 9867)
Location of Head Office
8-16-6 Nishikamata, Ota-ku, Tokyo 144-8626 Japan
Fiscal Term
Annual Sales
JPY ¥25,178 million (April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024)
Number of Employees
753 (As of March 31, 2024)

Personal Information Protection Management

(JIS Q 15001:2006)

Certificate#: 10520101(09)

Reg. Date: November 6, 2007

Exp. Date: November 5, 2025

Environmental Management

(ISO 14001:2015 / JIS Q 14001:2015)

Certificate#: JE0442G

Reg. Date: March 26, 2004

Exp. Date: March 25, 2025

Quality Management
(Infra Service)

(ISO 9001:2015 / JIS Q 9001:2015)

Certificate#: QC98J1038

Reg. Date: March 29, 1999

Exp. Date: March 28, 2026

Quality Management

(ISO 9001:2015 / JIS Q 9001:2015)

Certificate#: JQA-QM5666

Reg. Date: December 1, 2000

Exp. Date: November 30, 2026

Information Security Management

(ISO/IEC 27001:2013 / JIS Q 27001:2014)

Certificate#: 16059305

Reg. Date: April 25, 2011

Exp. Date: October 31, 2025

Certifications related to construction business
1. General Construction
2. Electrical work
3. Telecommunication work
Registration#: (Han-2) 19000
Certified on February 14, 2021

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